Teebeutel Expansion
This is a sample Expansion Board for the Teebeutel v1.0.
You have an I²C-Interface, WS2812-Interface, Serial-Interface and 9 GPIO pins at your disposal. With these you can expand the Teebeutels feature set.
With the Stripboard version you can quickly prototype new accessories with conventional through-hole parts. You can also utilize some SMD components using the SMD-Pads at the top of the board.

Expansion Boards
These Expansion Boards have been published:
Publishing your Expansion Board
If you want to publish your Expansions please keep this in mind:
Please remember to publish your Expansion under an OSHW-License! We want to keep the Teebeutle and it’s expansions accsassible for everyone.
Try to use an accessible file format (KiCad, EAGLE, PDF, Images)
Please document your Hardware and Software
To publish your Expansion feel free to create a Pull-Request to add a link to your Expansion (i.e. Repository, Documentation, etc.) above.